Where Are We, 3rd book in the Fargone Series is Free to download today January 3, 2019. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MB2LYXS

Where Are We?

Where Are We is a new type of children’s book. This historical fiction is funny, educational and, a first in a child’s book. This is a motivational book for children. The characters are so real that children have asked, “if I turn the page will the movie start?” This Fargone Series edition keeps you spellbound to the last word. This book incorporates entertainment, history, encouragement, guidance and time travel, for the children and the parents. Positive  thinking for alert  growing minds! This is a teaching lesson in history, vocabulary, and good citizenship.  The paperback is available as well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MB2LYXS

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