A collection of Poems by Dr. Qooz

A Chapbook of Poems

I’m a Dream

I’m a dream, a cherished ambition.
I don’t require much: no water, shelter, or nutrition.
Where do you want to go, who do you want to be?
I can inspire you, if you’ll have me.

I’m a dream, a cherished ambition,
Hold me and focus, like you’re on a mission.
A goal or objective can be yours to take,
If first, you grasp the dream you make.

I’m a dream, a cherished ambition,
Encouraging you, until brought to fruition.
Determination is a very good friend.
You will need us both to the very end.

I’m a dream, a cherished ambition,
Giving hope for new ideas and invention.
Never let me go, until I come true.
I will be a victory, a triumph, just for you.

There may be tears of joy or sorrow.
Even so, I’ll still be here, today and tomorrow.


I’m the Moon

I’m the moon that comes out at night.
Sometimes I’m dim, and other times bright.
If you look thru a telescope you will see craters and mountains.
There won’t be any garden gnomes or fountains.

I’m the moon that comes out at night.
I go thru phases from ‘new’ to ‘full’… all of which are quite a sight.
I push and pull the tides on earth.
A sailor knows these things to prove his worth.

I’m the moon that comes out at night.
A Blue moon, a Harvest Moon, I beam light.
From a sliver, to a crescent, I go through.
Over and again, each stage I show you.

I’m the moon that comes out at night.
My many colors are not always white.
Red and orange, pink and blue,
It really depends from where you view.

I’m the moon that comes out at night.
I make you sleepy as you close your eyes tight.


I’m a Moose on the loose.
I live in the forest among the spruce.
I wade in ponds, lakes, rivers,
Even in the cold, I swim, and never shiver.

I’m a moose on the loose.
I’ll paddle buy a duck or goose.
They don’t care I’m there or have big antlers.
The plants I eat are not meant for planters.

I’m a moose on the loose.
I like twigs and leaves, but I don’t drink juice.
I have a long face and a huge muzzle.
If you have a stuffed moose, I’m fun to snuggle.

I’m a moose on the loose.
If you bring me home, you can call me Bruce.
I can sit right there, on the chair,
Next to your bed and Teddy Bear.

I’m a moose on the loose.
Never feed me Chocolate Mousse. When it’s time to sleep, close your eyes and snooze.


I’m a Leaf

I’m a leaf on a big shade tree
One of many, you’ll find me.
In the spring I shoot out green and tender.
Shortly thereafter the tree is covered in splendor.

I’m a leaf on a big shade tree.
You can picnic under us and drink ice tea.
I shield the sun and rain from those who are under,
But can’t keep away a storm with thunder.

I’m a leaf on a big shade tree.
A gentle breeze rustles us, for all to see.
A caterpillar passes with his slow crawl.
“Go away.” I flitter, “I’m not your lunch at all.”

I’m a leaf on a big shade tree.
One crisp Autumn morning I’ll break free,
Clothed in golden color, I will fall,
Blown about the yard, the lane, and wall.

Winter snow covers us, until next spring.
Then, revived life comes forth, and new leaves it will bring.


I’m the Water in the brook.

I’m the water in the brook,
Bubbling and flowing through every nook.
Clean and refreshing, I offer a drink,
To creatures who don’t worry, fret, or think.

I’m the water in the brook.
A pool for a bath, the robins once took.
I keep the moss green and moist by the edge,
The rocks are slippery close to the ledge.

I’m the water in the brook.
Sit down beside me and read a book.
I’ll gurgle and slosh as you turn a page,
Let’s imagine you are an actor on a stage.

I’m the water in the brook.
Flowing downhill by hook or by crook.
Soon, I’ll join other rivers and lakes,
It’s the journey that’s fun and the time that it takes.

Gather your things, and now start away.
Come back and visit on another day.


I’m a Porch Lite

I’m a porch lite, I come on at night.
Bugs buzz and moths circle, my shining light.
They won’t leave me be, all night long.
They’re not scared of a hoot owl, or the whip-poor-will’s song.

I’m a porch lite, I come on at night.
Open the screen door and come out, … it’s alright.
Sit on the porch swing and rock back and forth.
Feel the cool evening breeze, it’s not cold, …like up north.

I’m a porch lite, I come on at night.
With a single bulb turned on, I’m still bright.
The neighbor has a sprinkler going with a chatter.
You can see the water hit the oak tree with a splatter.

I’m a porch lite, I come on at night.
Leaves rustling with movement may cause a fright.
Oh, it’s only a raccoon and her little ones passing by.
Later it might be a possum, …though he is quite shy.

I’m a porch lite, about to say good night.
It’s time to pick up all our things and put them out of sight.


I’m the Beach

I’m the beach at a far seashore.
There’s no windows here, no rugs, or a door.
Far, and wide, you can see
Sun kissing the sand, and a leaning palm tree.

I’m the beach at a far seashore.
It’s a place to play, swim, snorkel, and more.
The waves will crash during a storm
But lap at my edge when it’s summer and warm.

I’m the beach at a far seashore.
Explore, and find creatures from the seafloor.
Fiddle crabs scurry by a starfish.
Find a sand dollar and spend it, if you wish.

I’m the beach at a far seashore.
There’s an umbrella, a girl, and a terrier that snores.
Bring your pink shovel and green bucket
Make a sand castle on the shore of Nantucket.

I’m the beach at a far seashore.
We have to start home when it’s after four.


I’m just a Rock

I’m a rock that sits on the ground.
Every year things happen all around.

In the spring a robin may sit atop.
She will sing loudly until a deer looks and stops.
Frogs and crickets cling and scurry,
Sitting and watching, then quickly hide in a hurry.

I’m a rock that sits on the ground.
Summer comes and the stream abounds.
Teased by the breeze and warmed by the sun,
I watch as the trees sway and have fun.

I’m a rock that sits on the ground.
Autumn arrives and the colored leaves fall down.
A harsh wind blows them to and fro.
Nobody knows where the leaves may go.

I’m a rock that sits on the ground.
In the winter there is not a sound.
Everything is frozen, covered with snow.
It’s quiet and lonely as the wind blows.

I’m a rock that sits on the ground.
Waiting patiently as another year goes round.


I’m a Breeze

I’m a breeze that rustles the leaves.
I come and go, as I please.
Who knows where I’m going or where I’ve went.
It’s a mystery afoot, how I’m sent.

I’m a breeze that rustles the leaves.
I can stir up the dust and make you sneeze.
To and fro I waft about.
Smell the BBQ, it’s yummy, no doubt.

I’m a breeze that rustles the leaves.
I’ll sway the branches on the trees.
Be careful! Don’t lose your fancy hat.
If a car runs it over, that hat will be flat.

I’m a breeze that rustles the leaves.
In October I’m brisk, you’ll need long-sleeves.
Winter arrives and I’m nowhere to be found.
Gone to a place where jasmine and palm trees abound.

When the trees bud and birds start to sing,
Blossoms will welcome a gentle breeze in the Spring.


I’m a Star

I’m a star high in the sky.
Silently witnessing a comet go by.
I twinkle and sparkle every night.
On clear crisp evenings I shine so bright.

I’m a star high in the sky.
Leo is easy to see, if you really try.
See me shooting like a dazzling streak,
Close your eyes and wish, before you peek.

I’m a star high in the sky.
There are so many, don’t even ask why.
Like jewels in God’s vast display case,
Billions of us hang suspended in space.

I’m a star high in the sky.
At sunrise we must say good-bye.
When evening shadows slowly begin,
It won’t be long before you see us again.

‘Til then, hold the one you love; (it would be wise,)
Because there you’ll find me in their eyes.


I’m the Words

I’m the words in a classic song,
Sometimes you’ll hear me and sing along.
Thoughtfully reflective you may find yourself
About people and things, you’d left on the shelf.

I’m the words in a classic song,
A hymn or an anthem will make you strong.
Faith and trust are said out loud,
Just a few words can make you proud.

I’m the words in a classic song,
Some lyrics you will remember all lifelong.
Comfort and peace makes you think of home.
Simple and true, without gleaming chrome.

I’m the words in a classic song,
If they don’t touch you, then something’s wrong.
The golden retriever, or mom at the stove,
Or remember that picnic down at the grove.

Words can make you happy, mad, sad, or glad.
With the right music, they’re not that bad.