Me, As Meant To Be; To Thine Own Self Be True

Bullying and peer pressure plague every child’s environment worldwide. Fat Harriet Hippo overcomes this oppression and the continued pressuring of Weezy. This overbearing classmate wants to do a makeover, crushing Harriet’s dreams.   A good friend does not depress you or make you feel annoyed when you are with them. Friendship relies on who we…


Children Reading

Children reading expands their understanding of the world and stimulates their imagination. Reading books aloud helps them develop listening skills, language and prepares them to understand written words. After children learn to read by themselves, it’s is important for parents to continue to read aloud with the child. Children reading always excel over non-readers. A…

Picture Books

What is a picture book? A child’s picture book tells more than a story. A picture is better than 1000 words. There is a picture on every page of a picture book. Storytelling is the vehicle that elevates the picture into the imagination stimulus that keeps the child engaged and wanting to soak up every…

Tode at bat

Dr. Qooz Book Inspirations

  At every reading I am asked where do I get my ideas for my children’s books… Several years ago my child, now an adult called for some advice. It would have been easy to say, “You know, you’ve had your eighteenth birthday and eventually you will have to use your personal experiences to guide…

# 1 Best Seller List of Children’s Books

There are only about 72 #1 Best Seller Children’s Books a year. About 6 new books are added to this list each month. These are the most popular 75 plus books from over 41,000 NEW books published each year and a few from the 233 million children’s books sold each year. 1.            Harry Potter and…