Your Legacy Starts Here

Legacy is a gift. Some people only recognize legacy as money, property or things. In reality a legacy can be Stories, Books, a reputation, but the greatest is “A legacy of Love”. Grandma was the matriarch. All stories led to her, all celebrations included her, all her children showed up for Mother’s Day, Christmas and…

Dr. Qooz, Father of Reading

Dr. Qooz, Father of Reading, is world renown for the telling of children’s stories elaborately illustrated in children’s picture books. Dr. Qooz was raised in the Everglades quoting a famous passage by Dad, “I wasn’t raised, I was laid on a stump as a buzzard egg, hatched by the arching sun and jerked up by…

# 1 Best Seller List of Children’s Books

There are only about 72 #1 Best Seller Children’s Books a year. About 6 new books are added to this list each month. These are the most popular 75 plus books from over 41,000 NEW books published each year and a few from the 233 million children’s books sold each year. 1.            Harry Potter and…

A Trip to Twelve

Nick and Millie are best friends. He has shoes and she has a hat. The park is the best place to play, there are swings and slides. There are lollipop trees and a special tree. Millie likes the tree where she sees me.Nick and Millie learn to count together, up to twelve. An unusual count…

How To Choose a Children’s Book

How to Choose a Children’s book? Choosing made easy! There are two hundred thirty three million children’s books sold every year. Forty thousand eight hundred NEW children books are published every year and increasing by four percent a year. So with 233,040,800 children’s books to choose from, it’s no wonder you would ask,: “Which one…